Coldplay's Chris Martin Makes Dream Come True

Love when celebrities do great things, especially for their fans.

This time, it was two artists- both Chance the Rapper and Chris Martin of Coldplayâ€Ļ 

Together they helped make Heidi Hernandez dreams come true!

Heidi  is 17-year-old who has been battling a serious illness for yearsâ€Ļ 

Her boss got in touch with Chance the Rapper, who was able to get her tickets for Coldplay’s showâ€Ļ 

Well, Chris Martin got wordâ€Ļ stopped at her job where hugs and pictures were given, Chris invited to fly her to another show in Seattle, and sit FRONT ROWâ€Ļ! 

Heidi said listening to Coldplay was the only thing that got her out of her depression, and certainly a dream come true to meet Chris.

Full Details HERE 

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